Betta Fish Care Water Type

Fishkeepers love betta fish and information technology's piece of cake to come across why. With their stunning colors and charming personalities, these fish are a perennial favorite!

Unfortunately, many misconceptions exist near the type of h2o betta fish need. For case, many people think bettas thrive in small bodies of water when kept in captivity when this is but not the case.

In this article, we will accept a look at creating the optimal betta fish water for your new pet! Learn how to monitor parameters, change betta fish water, and more than!

Wild Betta Water Parameters

In the wild, bettas inhabit shallow fresh waterways such every bit rice paddies, small rivers, and swamps. These bodies of water appear chocolate-brown and murky from the presence of tannins, which is a byproduct formed when fallen leaves break down in the water.

Tannin is a perfectly natural (and fifty-fifty beneficial) component of a betta fish'south natural habitat, but the brown discoloration information technology causes has created the misconception that betta fish tin can survive in poorly maintained waters. This cannot exist further from the truth.

The reality is, tannins lend an acidic quality to h2o, which bettas prefer. Opposite to pop belief, bettas too crave pristine water conditions – high levels of ammonia and nitrates volition prove fatal. Last but not least, they are accustomed to water that is soft – this ways water with relatively depression levels of dissolved calcium and magnesium.

betta fish, siamese fighting fish in aquarium

Agreement the water parameters institute in a betta'southward natural habitat allows us to replicate these weather condition in a tank. Let'south have a deep dive into how to create optimal h2o conditions for your betta.

Betta Fish Tank Water Parameters

At present that we've taken a look at how betta fish live in the wild, let's figure out how to keep your betta happy in captivity! The first thing you should do is to check that y'all have all the bones supplies you lot need to go on your betta happy. Beyond that point, you should focus on water parameters.

It is extremely important to continue your fish tank water parameters equally close to ideal as possible. This allows your fish to grow, thrive, and live a long, salubrious life!

Here are the parameters to go on in mind:

Between 75 – lxxx degrees Fahrenheit

Under 0.5 ppm (parts per million)

Between three – 4 dGH (50 – ppm)

Above 3 – 5 dKH (53.6 – 89.4 ppm)


Betta fish hail from the torrid zone of Southeast Asia, and the temperature of their h2o should reflect that. The best temperature for betta fish is between 75 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Because most people proceed their homes cooled to a lower temperature, y'all will likely need a heater for your betta tank. Water temperatures that are too loftier or besides low will hurt your fish's immune system, and nobody wants that!

Ammonia and Nitrite Levels

Ammonia and nitrites are waste product products that are toxic to your fish. As such, you strive to maintain a safe ammonia level in your tank at all times. A limerick of 0.5 ppm is the accented maximum if y'all want your fish to stay good for you.

Nitrate Levels

Betta fish take a greater tolerance to nitrate levels, so you have a little more leeway. Yous can have a nitrate level of upward to 20 ppm in your tank. Of course, the best nitrate level for your fish is 1 that is as low as possible, then remember to modify your h2o regularly!

pH Level

Betta fish enjoy h2o conditions that are neutral or slightly acidic. We recommend a pH level betwixt 6.5 and 7.0, as this reflects both their preference for neutral h2o conditions besides as water that is slightly acidic.

Full general Hardness (GH)

GH measures the amount of calcium and magnesium that is dissolved in the water. Water with a large quantity of calcium and magnesium dissolved in it is known as hard water and would reflect a high GH reading.

Bettas prefer water that is soft, with a GH reading of between 3-4 dGH.

Carbonate Hardness (KH)

KH measures the amount of bicarbonate and carbonate ions in the water, both of which affects the water'southward ability to absorb and neutralize acid. In general, the college the KH, the more stable your pH readings will be.

Bettas prefer water parameters that are consistent, which makes the office of KH doubly important. This is why we recommend a KH reading of at least 3 dKH.

How To Check Betta Fish Tank H2o Conditions?

The best way to make certain that your water parameters are up to marker is to exam them regularly. Many changes in water parameters are invisible to the naked eye just still play a crucial role in the wellness of your fish.

Hither are a few ways to check the h2o conditions of your betta fish tank:

Test Kit

Test kits are a true godsend for aquarists as it provides a reliable way for y'all to check your water parameters and go along them salubrious.

Many types of test kits exist in the market, but we recommend getting a master kit that detects ammonia, nitrate, and nitrate levels. These parameters have a pregnant impact on the immunity of your betta, and so this is well worth the investment.

You may also want to consider investing in liquid drop examination kits for GH, KH, and pH. Though there are other ways of testing for hardness and pH, test kits are one of the most popular means to practise so.

Portable pH Meters

Portable pH meters are a reliable, affordable fashion for yous to measure the pH of your water. While exam kits run out later on a certain number of tests, pH meters let yous to examination your water equally regularly as you want to.

If you lot own multiple tanks, or intend to examination your h2o frequently (equally you should!), pH meters volition see your needs perfectly.


Autonomously from test kits, photometers are some other popular fashion of measuring a water'southward GH and KH. Photometers work past measuring the amount of light that seeps through a water sample. This in turn gives yous a reading for how much calcium and magnesium (GH) or carbonate ions (KH) are dissolved in the water.

You will require separate photometers to measure out GH and KH, as the physical properties of ions and solids are very different.

Aquarium Thermometers

Final but not least, aquarium thermometers are a cheap, reliable way for you to cheque that your water is at the right temperature.

Because h2o temperature can fluctuate throughout the day, we recommend using a thermometer that can be fastened to the inside of the tank. This volition allow you to continue a close and frequent eye on temperature readings!

What Water To Employ For A Betta Fish Tank?

Many fishkeepers wonder if their beloved bettas demand special h2o to exist happy — if you've ever found yourself in a like predicament, don't worry! This section is for you!

Tap Water

"Can betta fish alive in tap h2o?" This is a neat question, every bit tap water, while readily available, frequently contains chemicals that may be harmful to your fish. For instance, chlorine, which is used in 98% of the The states water supply system, can harm your fish's gills.

Water conditioners brand tap water safe for your fish by neutralizing harmful substances such as chlorine, chloramines, and other volatile organic compounds. They tin exist purchased at your local pet store.

Bottled Water

Some people may wonder if they can house their bettas in bottled water. The answer is – it depends.

H2o obtained from springs or other natural sources can exist great for your fish as they contain dissolved minerals that fish require. Yet, distilled water is a bad choice for this very reason – pure H2O lacks the minerals fish demand to survive.

If you have decided to utilize bottled water for your betta, be sure to test information technology with a pH kit. The pH of bottled h2o can differ based on the manufacturer, and you lot want to be sure that your fish is happy in its new home.

Pre-Conditioned Aquarium Water

close up image of underwater landscape nature style aquarium tank with a variety of aquatic plants inside.

Pet stores sell pre-conditioned aquarium water for hobbyists who demand it in a pinch. These are popular among individuals who lack access to other reliable sources of water.

The key benefit of using pre-conditioned aquarium water is that it is gratuitous of the harmful substances you might find in tap water. If you're considering using pre-conditioned aquarium water for your betta, yous can residue assured that you lot volition be providing it with a clean, comfortable biosphere.

How and When To Alter Your Betta Fish Tank H2o?

Knowing when and how to change the h2o in your betta tank is crucial to the well-existence of your fish. While in that location are no hard and fast rules when it comes to water changes, there are several best practices that will make the procedure fuss-free for you and your betta:

Keep Water Parameters Stable

Small fish tank aquarium with colourful snails and fish at home on wooden table.

Desperate changes in h2o parameters is harmful to your betta, equally they would have already gotten used to their existing conditions. Sudden, large changes in water parameters can stress out your fish and cause more impairment than good.

If testing your h2o yields results that fall across the recommended range, you should make gradual adjustments to bring things under control. Slow and controlled water changes are the style to get – your fish will thank you lot for information technology!

When Water Parameter Readings Are Unhealthy

Regularly monitoring h2o parameters in your tank allows you to take swift action when things are less than ideal. High ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite readings in detail indicate that toxins in your tank have built upwardly to an unhealthy level, and that a water change is due.

Conduct Weekly Water Changes

If everything in your tank is running smoothly, conducting weekly water changes will keep information technology that way. Tanks that are filtered benefit from weekly changes, while unfiltered tanks volition require water changes that are more than frequent and all-encompassing.

When in incertitude, test your water. This is the most reliable way for y'all to decide if a h2o modify is needed.


Betta fish are charming, loveable pets that deserve the very best intendance we tin can beget to give. We hope this betta fish water guide gave you a skilful starting betoken in creating the perfect home for your fish! If in that location is a betta enthusiast in your life who would benefit from this guide, please practice share it with them!

Accept you ever kept betta fish as pets? What did you recollect of our water guide? Let us know in the comments below!

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